Blog Post 8: Conflicts
The best example from my work experience that I can think of occurred in my second year as a swim instructor. As I had mentioned in earlier posts, one of my two bosses had become a bit more detached and passive aggressive than she had been in past summers. This of course sparked some conflict. To start all the way at the beginning, this conflict started in the third week of the summer. On that Thursday afternoon, there were a few of us employees helping our boss (R) move. Among us was one guy in particular who had been working at the pool for five years or more (we will call him S). While moving, R was a bit clipped and no nonsense, instead of her usual laid back self. S commented to a few of us and said it was a bit odd. At this point I would say that their personal and work relationship deteriorated a little bit. About two weeks later, we had a special day. At the end of the last class of each two week session, we would allow the children to go down the water slides for fifteen m...